publishedFebruary 4, 2025Web Scraping with AWS Lambda in Rustaws-lambdalambdaserverlessrustawsweb-scrapingHere you will learn how to start scraping the web with Rust, we will package and deploy it in AWS Lambda leveraging cargo-lambda tools.
publishedNovember 26, 2024Reduce AWS Lambda Cold Starts in .NETaws-lambdalambdaserverlessdotnetawsLearn how to drastically reduce your .NET aplication's cold start in AWS Lambda, or any other serverless environment.
publishedDecember 18, 2023AWS Invited Me To League Of Legends Worlds In Koreaawsaws-community-buildersleague-of-legendsworldsI never thought I would be able to go to Worlds, but AWS hosted me in Korea for the event. Let me tell you how I got into this adventure.